The Passion of Ice Fishing
Stu Hoefle Stu Hoefle

The Passion of Ice Fishing

There’s something intriguing about walking on the surface of a lake – a frozen lake, of course. It might not be a truly Biblical experience, like actually walking on water, but it is something of a pilgrimage and there is water involved - albeit frozen. Still the question remains: why would someone wander out to the middle of the lake and then drill a hole in it? What would possess someone to sit for hours, over a round hole waiting for a slim chance that a fish might actually come upon that circumference of area and take a bite out of whatever has been planted on the hook? Well, a lot of people do. Me included. It’s an adventure that I’ve loved for the better part of my life – Ice Fishing!

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A Cowboy Artist’s Vision Quest
Amy Grisak Amy Grisak

A Cowboy Artist’s Vision Quest

The spirit of the West has been in artist Ryder Gauteraux's blood since before he was born. Growing up in an off-grid log cabin that his folks built in the Blue Mountains of Central Oregon, Ryder and his siblings lived an untethered life in their beautiful, wild landscape. These early experiences—and his time competing in the rodeo as a young adult—manifested into sharing his vision of the rugged, uniquely American lifestyle in the many forms of his artwork.

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Hanging on to History
Cyd Hoefle Cyd Hoefle

Hanging on to History

“The most important thing we can do for our children is to give them a sense of their history,” Clara Borland said. “A sense of belonging and a reason to be proud of their heritage.”

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The Spirit of the West Comes Alive
Cyd Hoefle Cyd Hoefle

The Spirit of the West Comes Alive

Mark your calendars for May 15 – 18, 2025 and make plans now to attend the annual World Famous Miles City Bucking Horse Sale (MCBHS). For four days, beginning the third weekend of May, Miles City rolls out the red carpet, doubling in size, as guests from across the state and around the world converge on Eastern Montana’s premier social event of the year.

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Winter Wonderland
Amy Grisak Amy Grisak

Winter Wonderland

Yellowstone is a magical place in the winter, but in its very early days as a national park, it was mostly bereft of human visitation. It wasn’t until after WWII that visitation increased enough to consider winter adventures as a separate season; beckoning hearty souls to experience “Wonderland” when everything is frozen and covered in a white blanket of snow.

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Grounded by Tradition, Inspired by Possibility
Cyd Hoefle Cyd Hoefle

Grounded by Tradition, Inspired by Possibility

AgWest Farm Credit leads the way in serving the farmers and ranchers of Montana and beyond with their commitment to providing insurance and financial services to people involved in agriculture.

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Offering The Gift of Gratitude
Cyd Hoefle Cyd Hoefle

Offering The Gift of Gratitude

“They are the reason we have the lives that we have,” David Bradley said. “We hold them close to our hearts because of it.”

The Big Timber man was referring to military veterans and the reason he and his wife Anne, along with Brian and Kary Engle, also of Big Timber, started the non-profit Big Sky Warrior Outreach (BSWO) four years ago. BSWO’s mission is to honor service members, with an emphasis on combat veterans, who have served or are serving sacrificially for our country.

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Jean’s Cuisines Winter 2025
Jean Peterson Jean Peterson

Jean’s Cuisines Winter 2025

During the frigid days of winter, I enjoy baking bread for my family and friends. It warms our home and fills it with aromatic scents of spices and fruits. The following recipes are a few of my “go-to” favorites.  Each of these recipes can be split into mini loaf pans to share, freeze, or have ready for your next meal.

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Outdoor Winter Gardening
Amy Grisak Amy Grisak

Outdoor Winter Gardening

There’s a foot of snow on the ground and the temperature is in the single digits but many of us are itching to plant something! Seeding annuals, perennials, and cool-season vegetables allows us to satisfy the need to plant something, while gaining time in the spring allowing for an earlier harvest. While starting seeds indoors is a right of passage for many gardeners, winter sowing is an easy way to gain a jump on the season with minimal effort.  

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Winter 2025 Publisher’s Note
Cyd Hoefle Cyd Hoefle

Winter 2025 Publisher’s Note

As we worked to build the content for our February magazine, a theme weaved its way through the issue. As the stories unfolded a spirit of gratitude rose to the surface. It was more evidence that we live in an area where people are naturally neighborly and deeply care from the heart for each other. 

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