Publisher’s Note

Christmas 2021

As we draw to the end of 2021 and reflect on the last twelve months, we concluded, personally, that some things need to change. With all the controversy and discord we experienced as a nation, we realized that we gave too much real estate in our minds to the things that blocked our view of the good things in life: the blessings we’ve received, the people we love, and the beauty of the outdoors. We are resolving not to let that happen in the new year. We think it’s time to simplify in some areas of our lives and be more intentional in other. Perhaps you are feeling that as well. 

Our stories reflect that. For this issue, we go back to a simpler time with a story about my own family and how we celebrated Christmas in 1966 after the death of my grandmother. We included a version which my late mother had published in the Billings Gazette over 30 years ago. We visit another Christmas past taking place in an “off the grid” cabin and a much simpler celebration. 

We feature two families that turned the heart wrenching tragedy of losing a child into foundations that are impacting hundreds of other families across the state and we profile a couple of young adults that have endured tremendous difficulties and are changing the world because of it. One of these individuals, Dougie Hall, who is featured on our cover, often does a dance of joy, which we hope will be infectious during this holiday season and into the new year. 

Despite our busyness, it's been a great year for RITW. We’ve met some amazing people, both writers, photographers, subjects of our features, and advertisers. We’re excited about the new year and our plans for it. We’re scaling back to four issues in 2022 and concentrating hard on expanding each issue. 

We look forward to the new year with anticipation and excitement and remain committed to bringing you features that encourage, uplift, and entertain. 

As we celebrate the holidays and enter the new year, our hope and prayer for each of you is that you will spend time relaxing, reflecting and rejuvenating in God’s beautiful creation. May Christmas be filled with family, friends, laughter, and the celebration of the birth of Jesus Christ.

“For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given and the government shall be upon his shoulders and his name shall be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.” Isaiah 9:6

Cyd and Stu




Flames on the Beartooth Front and Meeteetse Trail